8 Things to do to Prevent New Mold Growth

Many blogs and websites offer Top 10 lists on various topics. Something interesting is that to reach the top 10, they add some points of little importance or no relevance. We do not want to give you useless or irrelevant information since we know that the concern when mold appears in our homes or offices is considerable, in addition, many of our clients satisfied with the mold removal treatment may have doubts regarding the possibility that the mold returns or the situation worsens in the future. Because of this we give you 8 crucial things to do to prevent mold from growing again:

1.- Keep humidity levels in your home al low as you can-no higher than 50%- all day long.

It’s no secret that humidity is the main factor in the growth and spread of mold; High concentrations of humidity allow mold to grow more quickly. Keeping humidity levels as low as possible restricts mold spores from reproducing and is an efficient way to prevent their growth. We can use dehumidifiers in areas near laundries, basements, bathrooms, etc.

2.- Be sure the air in your home flows freely.

Closed environments with poor ventilation are perfect for mold growth, the same goes for defective or dirty air filters that do not allow good air circulation in the vents. Make sure you open sales from time to time, monitor the time and quality of your air filters and enable ventilation spaces in bathrooms, pool rooms and saunas.

3.- Look for and fix any leaks in your home’s roof, walls or plumbing.

Again that blessed humidity, water leaks are not only harmful to your walls, floors, ceilings and furniture but also a source of mold growth wherever the humidity produced by these leaks is found. Inspect these leaks regularly in bathrooms, kitchens, etc. And if you have questions about non-visible water leaks, consult a professional who has specialized tools and equipment to find non-visible leaks.

4.- Clean up and dry out your home fully and quickly (within 24-48 hours) after a flood.

Remember, humidity is crucial in mold growth. In the event of experiencing a flood of any type, whether natural or due to a different situation, it is urgent to clean and dry our house within the first 48 hours.

5.- Clean bathrooms with mold-killing products.

Cleaning gives us joy and health, it is also important in preventing mold growth in our homes. Bathrooms because of showers, baths, etc. It needs conscious cleaning and better if it is done with products designed to prevent the growth of mold, pay attention to the sinks, toilet, tub and shower walls. It is also a great idea to avoid using rugs or towels on our bathroom floors.

6.- Remove or replace carpets and upholstery that have been soaked and cannot be dried right away.

Do you remember point 4? Well sometimes after a flood there are items that are wet that unfortunately cannot dry properly within 48 hours. For your safety and that of your family, it is best to discard these items and replace them to avoid problems in the future.

7.- Make sure your clothes dryer vents outside your home.

Electric dryers remove moisture from our clean clothes in vapor emissions (moisture in another state of matter), making sure that vapor is removed or expelled outside the walls of our home protects us from those vapors moistening the walls or the ceiling and creating a mold problem.

8.- Add mold inhibitors to paints before painting.

This step could be a medium or long term plan, but we think it is very important to consider using mold inhibitors in the paints that will be used when painting your home. This greatly increases anti-mold protection for you and your family.

There you have it, 8 specific and proven tips to help you avoid mold growth or reappearance after one of our treatments.

There is no job we can’t do, and for all your mold needs call us.

We are MoldBusters New Mexico

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